Fred's Family Genealogy Page

If you view one of the family trees below, you must use the back button on your browser to return to this (Fred's Genealogy) page. This is a limitation of the system that I am using to present these web pages. I have found a solution to this problem and it is partially implemented - if there is a URL in the upper right or left portion of the header line on the page, you can click this URL to return directly to the Genealogy section of my website. Not all family documents have been updated to have this feature.

On this page each individual has a fan chart and a pedigree chart beside their photograph. To read one of these charts give them one click with your mouse and a lightbox will appear that is much easier to read. Following each photograph there is a list of family tree register reports starting with the named family and followed by all of the connecting families for which there has been research. The connecting family reports are only generated to the point of contact with the Main Family - Appleton, Williams, Henshaw and Stewart.

Appleton Family Trees

Llewellyn Walter Appleton 1901-1985

Llewellyn Walter Appleton 1901-1985 FanChart

Click These links

Williams Family Connection

Alice Erena Williams 1908-1995

Alice Erena Williams 1908-1995 FanChart

Click These links

Henshaw Family Trees

William Miller 'Hawk' Henshaw 1905-1993

William Miller henshaw 1905-1993 FanChart

Click These links

Stuart Family Connection

Helen Gordon Stuart 1910-1983

Helen Gordon Stuart 1910-1983 FanChart

Click These links