Have you been following the kids from Stoneman Douglas those that survived the mass shooting. I have been following everyday and contributing whatever support that I can to each of their tweets. They are brilliant. Everyday they get stronger and their message is reaching more and more people. They have started movements to eliminate the sale of automatic rifles and bumpstocks that turn automatic rifles into machine guns. They have taken on the National Rifle Association in a forceful way, convincing corporate sponsors to drop their sponsorship - Delta Airline, United Airlines, all of the car rental companies and on and on. When trolled by right wing nut cakes they effectively counter their arguments and quietly put the them in their place with well considered responses, but they fearlessly attack politicians with statements like “The AR-15 should be renamed the Marco Rubio because it can be bought so cheaply.” I am very impressed. Follow JaclynCorin, Emma4Change, sarahchad_, cameronkasky, davidhogg111.
If you go the Twitter route you might consider following Sarah Beattie a long lost relative of mine. Her handle is nachosarah. Careful though she is not droll.